


Pascale Gola

Attorney at Law, LL.M.


Pascale Gola has been a partner at RUOSS VÖGELE since 2010. She advises domestic and foreign companies and individuals and has extensive experience in conducting litigation proceedings before state courts and arbitral tribunals. She regularly acts as an arbitrator in national and international disputes. She also advises clients on intellectual property rights and IT and drafts commercial contracts related to this practice area. Pascale Gola often assists her clients in matters of corporate law, commercial transactions, and the sale or purchase of real estate.


IP and IT law (intellectual property rights, trademark and copyright law)
Commercial contract law
Corporate and commercial law
Liability for miscounduct of corporate directors/officers
Competition law, antitrust law
Employment law and human resources
Start-ups, venture capital and private equity
Mergers and acquisitions


German, English, French

Work experience

  • since 2024Arbitrator at the Swiss Sports Tribunal
  • since 2010Partner at RUOSS VÖGELE
  • 2005 - 2009Attorney at Law at RUOSS VÖGELE
  • 2002 - 2005Attorney at Law at Schellenberg Wittmer, Zurich
  • 1998 - 2001Junior associate and associate at a medium-sized law firm, Zurich



  • 2001 - 2002Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of California, Los Angeles, USA
  • 2000Admitted to the bar (all Swiss courts)
  • 1992 - 1997University of Zurich, lic. iur.


Swiss Bar Association (SAV)

Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)

Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)

Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA), former chairwoman of the International Arbitration Commission

Arbitral Women


German-Swiss Chamber of Commerce


No items found.

Link to the University of Zurich (Courses, Speaking Engagements etc.)


Vereinfachtes Verfahren zur Löschung nicht benutzter Marken seit 1. Januar 201

Recht ohne Risiko; Prozessfinanzierung, UnternehmerZeitung Nr. 12/2015, S. 66

Bonus im Arbeitsverhältnis, Recht: Wann ist er geschuldet?", UnternehmerZeitung, Nr. 10 / 2014, S. 71

Wenn die Sanierung ansteht...", UnternehmerZeitung Nr. 11 / 2013, S. 60-61

Art. 229-236 OR, in: Honsell/Vogt/Wiegand, Basler Kommentar zum Obligationenrecht I, 5. Auflage, Basel 2011

Institutional Arbitration: Tasks and Powers of different Arbitration Institutions, Gola Pascale / Goetz Staehelin Claudia / Graf Karin (Editors), Schulthess, Zurich 2009

Interim Measures in Civil Cases in Switzerland, in: Sandra De Vito Bieri / Mark Beardsworth (Editors), The Real Legal Weapons: Interim Measures in Civil and Criminal Cases, An Overview of Interim Measures in 14 Selected Countries, Dike, Zurich 2009

Outsourcing in the Global Economy - Worldwide Strategy, Local Challenges, AIJA, Paris 2008

IP IT Outsourcing, RVP-Bulletin Februar 2008

The Arbitral Tribunal, in: Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Blaise Stucki, International Arbitration in Switzerland, Kluwer Law International 2004, Chapter 3 (zusammen mit Nathalie Voser)

Co-author of the Schellenberg Wittmer Newsletter on the new „Swiss Rules of International Arbitration“ (www.swlegal.ch: Publications, Newsletters, March 2004)

Former editor of sic!, periodical for Intellectual Property, Information and Competition Law

Speaking Engagements

Panelist in a Workshop on “Efficiency in International Arbitration - the Institution's and Arbitrator's Perspective” at the 11th AIJA Annual Arbitration Conference in Zurich in June 2019

Moderator and Panelist in a Workshop on “Choosing if and how to conduct discovery/document production” at the AIJA Annual Arbitration Conference in New York in October 2016

Speaker and Moderator on “Prozessfinanzierung in der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit” at a Seminar of the Europa Institut at the University of Zurich in June 2015

Moderator of a Panel of In-House Counsels on “Consent to Arbitration” at the AIJA Annual Arbitration Conference in Paris in June 2015

Moderator and Panelist in a Workshop on “Document Production and E-Discovery” at the AIJA Annual Arbitration Conference in Vienna in June 2014

Presentation on “Financial Disputes: Is there a need for Arbitration?” at the AIJA Half Year Conference in Zurich in May 2014

Presentation on “Arbitrability: From the Basic Features to Strategic Considerations” at the AIJA Annual Arbitration Conference in Basel in March 2013



Law for Insurance Industry, Precautionary Law

Simplifications and Exemption from Supervision under the Revised Insurance Supervision Act (in German)
Simplifications and Exemption from Supervision under the Revised Insurance Supervision Act (in German)
Update on the Implementation of the Revised Law on Intermediaries (in German)
Update on the Implementation of the Revised Law on Intermediaries (in German)
Revised and possibly generally binding Industry Agreement "Intermediaries" (in German)
Revised and possibly generally binding Industry Agreement "Intermediaries" (in German)
VAG/AVO revised: Need for action in insurance mediation (in German)
VAG/AVO revised: Need for action in insurance mediation (in German)
Surplus Participation (discussion of court decision)
Surplus Participation (discussion of court decision)
Relative market power with a focus on the insurance and financial sectors
Relative market power with a focus on the insurance and financial sectors
Adjustment of Terms and Conditions to the Revised Insurance Contract Act (2021)
Adjustment of Terms and Conditions to the Revised Insurance Contract Act (2021)
More Protection for Policyholders at Point of Sale in Switzerland (Nr.4)
More Protection for Policyholders at Point of Sale in Switzerland (Nr.4)
Partial Revision of the Swiss Insurance Contract Act in a Nutshell (2020 in German)
Partial Revision of the Swiss Insurance Contract Act in a Nutshell (2020 in German)
Reinsurance though Swiss Reinsurers (2019 in German)
Reinsurance though Swiss Reinsurers (2019 in German)
Matching between Supervision and Liability in the New Law on Insurance Distribution, SZW 2/2005 (in German)
Matching between Supervision and Liability in the New Law on Insurance Distribution, SZW 2/2005 (in German)
Remuneration of Service Providers and Insurance Brokers in Triangular Relationship (2020 in German)
Remuneration of Service Providers and Insurance Brokers in Triangular Relationship (2020 in German)
Interpretation of GIC
Interpretation of GIC
Use of Group Policies in Swiss Private Insurance Law (2018 in English)
Use of Group Policies in Swiss Private Insurance Law (2018 in English)
Agreements Affecting Competition and Market Dominance with Special Focus on the Swiss Insurance Market (Overview) (2013 in English and German)
Agreements Affecting Competition and Market Dominance with Special Focus on the Swiss Insurance Market (Overview) (2013 in English and German)
Partial Revision of VAG and AVO in a Nutshell
Partial Revision of VAG and AVO in a Nutshell
Multinational Insurance and Insurance Distribution Business - Basic Considerations (2018 in English)
Multinational Insurance and Insurance Distribution Business - Basic Considerations (2018 in English)
Regulated Contracts in the Swiss Insurance Business (Nr.7)
Regulated Contracts in the Swiss Insurance Business (Nr.7)
Swiss Insurance Law Updates (2011 in English and German)
Swiss Insurance Law Updates (2011 in English and German)
Planned Partial Revision of the Swiss Insurance Supervision Act in a Nutshell (2020 in German)
Planned Partial Revision of the Swiss Insurance Supervision Act in a Nutshell (2020 in German)
Insurance and Asset Management in Occupational Pension Plan and Self-provision (2019 in German)
Insurance and Asset Management in Occupational Pension Plan and Self-provision (2019 in German)
Breach of Duty to Notify in case of Claims-made-Policy (2020 in German)
Breach of Duty to Notify in case of Claims-made-Policy (2020 in German)
Swiss Insurance Law Update 2010/1 (Nr.2)
Swiss Insurance Law Update 2010/1 (Nr.2)
Mandatory and Voluntary Isurance through Private Insurers in Switzerland (2017 in German)
Mandatory and Voluntary Isurance through Private Insurers in Switzerland (2017 in German)
Planned Changes of Swiss Insurance Contract Law in a Nutshell (2011 in English and German)
Planned Changes of Swiss Insurance Contract Law in a Nutshell (2011 in English and German)
Asset Protection through Swiss Life Insurance (Schweizer Treuhänder, 12/03 (in German))
Asset Protection through Swiss Life Insurance (Schweizer Treuhänder, 12/03 (in German))
Restructuring of an Insurance Group (Overview) (2013 in German)
Restructuring of an Insurance Group (Overview) (2013 in German)

Corporate and Transactional Law

Level-appropriate Corporate Reorganization (2021 in German)
Level-appropriate Corporate Reorganization (2021 in German)
Revision of Swiss Stock Corporation Law with References to Deviating Supervisory Law (2021 in German)
Revision of Swiss Stock Corporation Law with References to Deviating Supervisory Law (2021 in German)
Capital loss and balance sheet improvement (2021 in German)
Capital loss and balance sheet improvement (2021 in German)
Recent court decisions in Swiss corporate law (2020 in English)
Recent court decisions in Swiss corporate law (2020 in English)
Legal issues for Swiss companies in the Corona crisis (2020)
Legal issues for Swiss companies in the Corona crisis (2020)
Private Equity in Switzerland: Avoiding Regulations and Optimizing Structure (2016 in German)
Private Equity in Switzerland: Avoiding Regulations and Optimizing Structure (2016 in German)
Accountability and Liability of the Board of Directors (an Overview), Co-Author (2013 in German)
Accountability and Liability of the Board of Directors (an Overview), Co-Author (2013 in German)
Swiss Transaction Law Updates (2/2011 in English and German)
Swiss Transaction Law Updates (2/2011 in English and German)
Swiss Transaction Law Updates (1/2011 in English and German)
Swiss Transaction Law Updates (1/2011 in English and German)
Swiss Transaction Law Update 1/2010 (Nr.5)
Swiss Transaction Law Update 1/2010 (Nr.5)
Legal Basic Conditions of Company Restructuring, Co-Author (2010 in German)
Legal Basic Conditions of Company Restructuring, Co-Author (2010 in German)
Swiss Transaction Law Updates (2009/2 in English and German)
Swiss Transaction Law Updates (2009/2 in English and German)
Swiss Transaction Law Updates (2009/1 in English and German)
Swiss Transaction Law Updates (2009/1 in English and German)
Transformation according to the New Merger Act, (Contribution in: Staempfli Commentary on New Merger Act) (2003 in German)
Transformation according to the New Merger Act, (Contribution in: Staempfli Commentary on New Merger Act) (2003 in German)
The Fulfilled Debt Contract, (Dissertation in AISUF, no. 149) (1995 in German)
The Fulfilled Debt Contract, (Dissertation in AISUF, no. 149) (1995 in German)

Finance Law

RVP Private Equity Legal Update 1-2020
RVP Private Equity Legal Update 1-2020
Independent Asset Managers with Customers in EU (2021)
Independent Asset Managers with Customers in EU (2021)
What type of Bank Customer does your Company want to be? (2020 in German)
What type of Bank Customer does your Company want to be? (2020 in German)
Coronavirus: Legal Topics for Swiss Companies (2020 in German)
Coronavirus: Legal Topics for Swiss Companies (2020 in German)
FinSA and FinIA in Comparison with EU Regulations (2020 in English)
FinSA and FinIA in Comparison with EU Regulations (2020 in English)
FinSA and FinIA in force (2020)
FinSA and FinIA in force (2020)
Avoiding Regulation in Public Corporate Finance (2019 in German)
Avoiding Regulation in Public Corporate Finance (2019 in German)
Swiss Supervisory Law Optimization through Private Structuring (Example Anti-Money Laundering Law) (2015 in German)
Swiss Supervisory Law Optimization through Private Structuring (Example Anti-Money Laundering Law) (2015 in German)
Private Equity in Switzerland: Legal outline and recent case law up to 2014
Private Equity in Switzerland: Legal outline and recent case law up to 2014
How to Deal with Swiss Financial Market Supervision (2014 in English and German)
How to Deal with Swiss Financial Market Supervision (2014 in English and German)
Swiss Supervisory Law Optimization in the Area of Independent Asset Management (2013 in English and German)
Swiss Supervisory Law Optimization in the Area of Independent Asset Management (2013 in English and German)
Enforcement of monetary claims under the new ZPO (2011)
Enforcement of monetary claims under the new ZPO (2011)
Equity Requirement and Equity Protection in Swiss Corporate and Supervisory Law (2011 in German)
Equity Requirement and Equity Protection in Swiss Corporate and Supervisory Law (2011 in German)
Swiss Banking and Capital Market Law Update 2010/1 (Nr.3)
Swiss Banking and Capital Market Law Update 2010/1 (Nr.3)
Swiss Insurance, Banking and Capital Market Law Updates (2009 in English and German)
Swiss Insurance, Banking and Capital Market Law Updates (2009 in English and German)
Swiss Insurance, Banking and Capital Market Law Updates (2008 in English and German)
Swiss Insurance, Banking and Capital Market Law Updates (2008 in English and German)
Swiss Financial Market Law, a Practical Guide, (Book published in Schulthess Juristische Medien) (2003 in German)
Swiss Financial Market Law, a Practical Guide, (Book published in Schulthess Juristische Medien) (2003 in German)

Data Protection Law

Revised data protection law (in German)
Revised data protection law (in German)
Draft of the DSG in comparison with the DSGVO (an overview) (2019)
Draft of the DSG in comparison with the DSGVO (an overview) (2019)
Risk-based Implementation of GDPR by Swiss Companies (2018 in German)
Risk-based Implementation of GDPR by Swiss Companies (2018 in German)
Regulating Data Protection in Multinational Companies (Overview) (2014 in English and German)
Regulating Data Protection in Multinational Companies (Overview) (2014 in English and German)
Company Data Protection Law Updates in Switzerland and the EU  (2012 in German)
Company Data Protection Law Updates in Switzerland and the EU  (2012 in German)
Company Data Protection Law Updates in Switzerland and the EU  (2010 in German)
Company Data Protection Law Updates in Switzerland and the EU  (2010 in German)
Company Data Protection Law Updates in Switzerland and the EU  (2009 in German)
Company Data Protection Law Updates in Switzerland and the EU  (2009 in German)
Swiss Company Data Protection Law (2002 in German)
Swiss Company Data Protection Law (2002 in German)
Retention of Records and Data by Swiss Companies (2006 in German)
Retention of Records and Data by Swiss Companies (2006 in German)
Revised Data Protection Law for Companies in Switzerland (2007 in German)
Revised Data Protection Law for Companies in Switzerland (2007 in German)

Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory

Reduction of Legal and Reputation Risks through Anticipative Implementation of Norms in Companies (2017 in German)
Reduction of Legal and Reputation Risks through Anticipative Implementation of Norms in Companies (2017 in German)
Realistic Understanding of Law and Management of Legal Risk (2016 in English and German)
Realistic Understanding of Law and Management of Legal Risk (2016 in English and German)

News of

Pascale Gola

Deals & Cases

Settlement of a complex court case

RUOSS VÖGELE succeeds in defending client in a litigious court case in connection with a big IT-automatization project by means of settlement agreement in court. In this highly complex court case, which had lasted several years due to various intermediary steps and appeal proceedings. Counterparty had made claims of high indemnities which could be settled substantially below the claim.
Deals & Cases

Attachment proceedings

RUOSS VÖGELE successfully represented a community of heirs in attachment proceedings against a debtor residing abroad and whose bank accounts had been frozen in Switzerland. The purpose of the attachment in this case was to secure claims of the heirs based on a divorce decree and claims for reduction in connection with the donation of the proceeds from the sale of a property.
Deals & Cases

Sale of a business unit

RUOSS VÖGELE advises a Swiss company active in the fashion business with the sale of a business unit comprising stores, goods as well as employees. By doing so, this entire business part which is linked to an international brand, can be re-transferred to the former franchisor.
Pascale Gola
Attorney at Law, LL.M.

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Rechtsanwälte - Attorneys at Law
Kreuzstrasse 54
CH-8032 Zürich
+41 44 250 43 00
German, English, French
IP and IT law (intellectual property rights, trademark and copyright law)
Commercial contract law
Corporate and commercial law
Liability for miscounduct of corporate directors/officers
Competition law, antitrust law
Employment law and human resources
Start-ups, venture capital and private equity
Mergers and acquisitions
Work experience
  • since 2024Arbitrator at the Swiss Sports Tribunal
  • since 2010Partner at RUOSS VÖGELE
  • 2005 - 2009Attorney at Law at RUOSS VÖGELE
  • 2002 - 2005Attorney at Law at Schellenberg Wittmer, Zurich
  • 1998 - 2001Junior associate and associate at a medium-sized law firm, Zurich
  • 2001 - 2002Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of California, Los Angeles, USA
  • 2000Admitted to the bar (all Swiss courts)
  • 1992 - 1997University of Zurich, lic. iur.